Installing aileron bellcrank
1.0 Hours
Bellcrank bolted to spar full size
I primed the pushrod tubes. Then bolted the bellcrank to the wing and fitted the tube into place. I left it here because I need to get the ends welded for the bellcrank to aileron push tubes instead of riveting them on.
Drilling brass bushing full size
The bushing at the center of the bellcrank needs to be drilled out to full size. I drilled a hole in a 2x4 to hold the bushing, then drilled out the center. I split the 2x4 at the hole to get the bushing back out of the wood.
Aileron bellcrank again full size
More of the hardware installed on the assembly. Leaving it like this for now.
Wing with pushrod in place full size
Another shot of wing in cart.