Riveting skin, glueing trailing edge
4.5 Hours
Riveting lower skin and spar full size
Finally back to working on the right elevator. To hold the skin flat while riveting the lower skin and spar, I put on 4 sandbags. Then I started putting in the blind and solid rivets common to the spar
Finished lower skin and spar rivets full size
This is the rivet line after it is all done. All the rivets went in very easy. Used the squeezer on the solid rivets, and the rest were blind rivets pix re024.jpg
Counterbalance skin and rib riveting full size
Next step was to rivet on the counterbalance skin and ribs. This used the squeezer on some, and the rivet guns on just a few of the rivets with no access.
Riveting inner rib to skin full size
The rivets common to the inner rib and skin are all done with the squeezer. Then last 3 are left out until the trailing edge is done
Glueing trailing edge full size
This step took quite a while. First I put a line on the AEX wedge for the rivet line. Then put the wedge in place and drilled the wedge, lower skin and an aluminum angle for support using the pilot hole in the upper skin. Next I deburred, dimpled the skin. Then I countersunk the AEX wedge. Then wire-brushed the wedge and skins, cleaned them and glued it all together with the grey goo (fuel sealant). Then it is all cleco'd together using the aluminum angle to hold it all straight.